You'd think there would have been plenty of oil to go around
After all, it's just lyin there in the ground
You'd think the oil we have in the USA
Would have been plenty for our day-to-day
But Noooo, they say we got to import our fuel
From countries where the leaders are barbaric and cruel
Political problems, endless turmoil
But we never would have needed their oil
If we hadn't got greedy
We all got greedy
Oil is black nasty sticky stuff
It's worse than heroin, we cant get enough
It's the lifeblood of dictators, the fuel of war
It's honey to the rich, poison to the poor
It means easy money for evil men
Like gangland chicago come to life again
It's poison to drink, poison to breathe
Its influence has poisoned our democracy
It's booze, it's crack, we just cant quit
But we never would have got strung out on that shit
If we hadn't got greedy
We all got greedy
Gridlock, noise and hot asphalt
Road rage, fatal accidents, suburban sprawl
Asthma, bronchitis, burning eyes, chest pain
Global warming, poison runoff, acid rain
Insurance bills, DUI, lawsuits galore
Corruption, terrorism, oil war
Oil fouls our beaches, it fouls our lungs
Cars kill our dogs and our teenage sons
Now they're off to war, and we all know why
But maybe they wouldn't have had to die
If we hadn't got greedy!
We all got greedy
You and I got greedy
Everbody got greedy
A Florida group working against offshore oil drilling
A well-run organization that acts on many fronts against climate change and environmental destruction
"Works through science, law, and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction"
This organization works to end the practice of Mountain Top Removal Mining, in which coal companies clear-cut forests, blow the tops off mountains, and dump the toxic residue in streams (what fun!) in order to generate electricity for the Tampa Bay region, among others (The NRDC says "TECO Coal is one of the nation's worst offendors when it comes to mountaintop removal coal mining"). This site contains a swell list of books, music, videos and web links pertaining to coal.
This large organization's site is a vast empire of green goodies.
This blog has a gargantuan list of sites having to do with both sides of the climate change issue.
This is a powerful, important book, and an excellent work of journalism, meticulously researched and beautifully written. I also found it a very disturbing book, and in a way I wish I hadn't read it. Naomi Klein's thesis is that the kind of action required to avert climate catastrophe is incompatible with the world's present economic system of more-or-less unrestrained capitalism. If civilization is to save itself, a complete reordering of society, to a more inclusive, distributed, equitable world, will be necessary. Hence the book's title.
A very different book, presenting a hopeful techno-solution. Most of us see environmental issues as a problem that governments, businesses and individuals are going to have to work together to solve - an unlikely prospect. Author Tony Seba looks at the future in a completely different way - to him, the transition to what he calls the new energy economy is inevitable, it's already under way, and it has little to do with climate change, government regulations or politics.
The magazine of electric vehicles.
My own humble contribution to world literature.
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